Chef Riko: A Recipe for Recovery

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Another beautiful sunrise day -6

…Did I say this would get repetitive or perhaps boring? Didn’t sleep until after the Chemo at midnight this morning. So, I wake up, and I get a meditation in first thing through Headspace (mahalo Nicole). Then I will do the hygienal morning stuff. Around this time, I will be given my morning meds. It takes 11 laps to walk 1.2 miles around 14K. My daily goal is to do three miles daily. 11 lap down. I will spread then out during the day as long as I’m able. Found out earlier that transfusions were not required today. I have enough of everything. BTW for lunch (no breakfast) I had a swiss burger & LTO with soggy ass fries! I actually ordered a wedge of apple pie and a tiny vanilla hagen das cup. So I did end up walking 2 more miles in two sessions to set my daily goal. Dinner, a WELL DONE peppered sirloin steak, quinoa, steamed broccoli & corn with 4 pats of BUTTER. Now I wait for pre-meds and then Next Chemo at midnight.