Chef Riko: A Recipe for Recovery

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Update: 07/01/24

We wanted to give a huge mahalo to our family and friends here who have been giving us strength through your love and prayers. We are so grateful for how much support we’ve received! It’s hard to articulate over the web just how appreciative we are, truly!

Today marks dad’s 11th day in the hospital. He’s completed his first round of IV chemo and has 11 more days of his first round of oral chemo.

His early days in the hospital have been a challenge due to the side effects of the medications, but the team at OHSU have been prompt and continue to adapt and adjust his treatment as needed. We’ve been quite impressed with their care!

The last two days, dad has been feeling a lot better. Despite having symptom after symptom bother him the first week of treatment, dad woke up yesterday and today with minimal pain, reduced symptoms but mostly, for the first time since being admitted, he had an actual appetite — yayyyyy!

Chef enjoyed a plate full of biscuits and gravy with a side of O’Brien potatoes, a banana, and (4) juices.

Today was the first day in a while where dad had some lasting energy. If things continue to improve, he’ll be discharged mid July. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.

The goal is to heal and prepare for a bone marrow / stem cell transplant. Which he’ll be able to do once he goes into remission. He’ll need to have a 10/10 match in order to do so.

Many friends and family have asked how they can get tested to see if they are a match for dad. We’ll know more once he’s in remission and will be sharing how to soon.

Every call, text, comment, prayer and love means more to us than you’ll ever know. Since sharing dad’s news, it’s given us more confidence and strength knowing we’re not fighting this alone.

Dad is strong, so strong that he ask me yesterday, “when does the fighting start?” If this man can walk through the hell of his first week with as much grace as he did, I’m confident he’ll walk out of this fight the winner.

We are sending love and gratitude to you all!